############################################################## EliteMasks - Created By Splodgebox## Current Effects## Use /elitemasks effects to list all current effects# with examples and information##############################################################Masks: Example: name: "&c&lExample" lore: - '&cThis is an example mask' skin: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTI5NDg4MWYzMzQwOGU4OTY0ZDI1NWZkOGViMjFhZTY5ODhiMmNjYTg5OTRkMTU3OTk5NmE2ZjEzMmJjNDI5YyJ9fX0=" applied_lore: "&c&lExample &c(2 Extra Hearts)" effects: - 'Health:2' - 'Potion:SPEED:3' - 'Damage:20' - 'Reduction:20'
COMMAND: MESSAGE: | &e&l----- &6&lElite&e&lMasks &6&lCommands &e&l----- &6<> &7- &fRequire Argument &e[] &7- &fOptional Argument &e/elitemasks give &6<player> <mask> &e[amount] &e/elitemasks reload &6&lAliases: &e<elitemask, elitemasks, emask, emasks, em>CONFIGURATION: RELOAD: '&6&l(!) &eConfiguration Files have been reloaded!'INVALID: MASK: '&4&l(!) &cThat is an invalid mask type!'MASK: APPLIED: '&6&l(!) &eThe mask &6''%mask%'' &ehas been applied!'GIVEN: MASK: '&6&l(!) &eYou have given &6%player% &ex%amount% of &6%mask%&e mask!'
public class EliteAPI { /** * Check if the itemStack has a mask attached * @param itemStack * @return */ public boolean hasMask(ItemStack itemStack) /** * Get the name of the mask attached to the itemStack * @param itemStack * @return */ public String getMaskName(ItemStack itemStack) /** * Check the if the mask has the effect * in the mask.yml * @param itemStack * @param effect * @return */ public boolean hasMaskEffect(ItemStack itemStack, String effect) /** * Get a string argument when the effect are set * @param itemStack * @param effect * @param argument * @return */ public String getStringValue(ItemStack itemStack, String effect, int argument) /** * Get a double argument when the effect are set * @param itemStack * @param effect * @param argument * @return */ public double getDoubleValue(ItemStack itemStack, String effect, int argument) /** * Get a integer argument when the effect are set * @param itemStack * @param effect * @param argument * @return */ public int getIntegerValue(ItemStack itemStack, String effect, int argument)}