mysql: host: port: 3306 database: 'fpshelper' user: 'dev' pass: 'testing123'features: #Set any of these to false to disable them completely sandToggle: true tntToggle: true pistonToggle: true mobsToggle: true spawnersToggle: true particlesToggle: true dropsToggle: true chestsToggle: true hoppersToggle: true hidePlayerRegions: truegui: enabled: true menuCommand: 'dm open fpshelper %player%' # ommand to run if the in built gui is disabled. Allows you to use your own DeluxeMenus menu instead of the built in GUI. name: '&9FPSHelper' sound: CLICK #If you get an error on InventoryClickEvent relating to FPSHelper, this is likely your cause. Change this to a valid sound name that works with your version. size: 45 glassColor: 15 statusText: enabled: '&aEnabled' disabled: '&cDisabled' icons: sand: slot: 10 material: SAND data: 0 name: '&aSand' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of sand entities.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' tnt: slot: 12 material: TNT data: 0 name: '&cTNT' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of TNT.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' piston: slot: 14 material: PISTON_BASE data: 0 name: '&ePiston Animations' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of piston animations.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' mobs: slot: 16 material: MONSTER_EGG data: 0 name: '&bSpawned Mobs.' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of spawned mobs.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' spawners: slot: 20 material: MOB_SPAWNER data: 0 name: '&bSpawners' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of spawners.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' particles: slot: 22 material: FIREWORK data: 0 name: '&bParticles' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of particles.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' drops: slot: 24 material: CACTUS data: 0 name: '&bFarm Drops' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of common drops from farms.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' chests: slot: 30 material: CHEST data: 0 name: '&3Chests' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of chests.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' hoppers: slot: 32 material: HOPPER data: 0 name: '&9Hoppers' lore: - '&7Toggles the visibility of hoppers.' - '' - '&bStatus: %status%' farmDrops: #Item drops to hide when a player toggles drops, fill this list with drops that are common on your server - THIS LIST IS NOT COMPLETE - CACTUS - MELON - PUMPKIN - SUGAR_CANE - IRON_INGOT - RED_ROSE - GOLD_NUGGET - GOLD_INGOT - ROTTEN_FLESH - BONE - ARROW - SPIDER_EYE - ENDER_PEARL hidePlayerRegions: #Put 'regionname' in the list below for any regions you want players to be invisible in - 'test'spawnerMaterial: STONE #Replace spawners with this materialspawnerData: 0 #Metadata for material abovechunkRenderDistance: 3 #Set this to the same view distance value you have in your servers configs.messages: prefix: '&7[&9FPS&7] ' noPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to do this.' invalid: '&cThat is not a valid toggle, available toggles: %toggles%' disabled: '&cThat toggle is currently disabled.' sandOff: '&aYou will now see sand again.' sandOn: '&aYou will no longer see sand.' tntOff: '&aYou will now see tnt again.' tntOn: '&aYou will no longer see tnt.' pistonOff: '&aYou will now see piston animations again.' pistonOn: '&aYou will no longer see piston animations.' mobsOff: '&aYou will now see mobs again.' mobsOn: '&aYou will no longer see mobs.' spawnersOff: '&aYou will now see spawners again.' spawnersOn: '&aYou will no longer see spawners.' particlesOff: '&aYou will now see particles again.' particlesOn: '&aYou will no longer see particles.' dropsOff: '&aYou will now see farm drops again.' dropsOn: '&aYou will no longer see farm drops.' chestsOff: '&aYou will now see chests again.' chestsOn: '&aYou will no longer see chests.' hoppersOff: '&aYou will now see hoppers again.' hoppersOn: '&aYou will no longer see hoppers.'