BoardGames [8 Games Included] 1.0.17
BoardGames [包括 8 款游戏] 1.0.17
版本: 1.16
测试的Minecraft版本: 1.16 / 1.17 关于:
: Boardgames是Spigot的插件服务器。通过完整的 Vault 和 MySQL 集成,您可以轻松跟踪玩家的统计数据并对游戏下注。
查看我们新的 CasinoGames 插件,其中包含 8 个赌场游戏!







剧透:扩展BoardGames 将在其插件文件夹中生成一个名为“extensions”的文件夹。要添加扩展,只需将 jar 拖放到扩展文件夹中。
剧透:制作每个游戏都有自己的配方,可以在配置中进行修改。您可以通过将 settings.recipe.enabled 设置为 false 来禁用整个插件的制作。
剧透:自定义图像在位于插件文件夹中的 custom_images 目录中,您可以更改游戏内的图像。这些图像必须是 png 格式并正确命名。有时候图片颜色会有点偏,所以建议通过等网站把图片导出为 png 格式。
例如,要替换 Uno 背景,将名为 UNO_BOARD.png 且大小为 256x256 的图像拖放到 custom_images 文件夹中。
剧透:物品投注玩家可以在 1v1 游戏中下注物品。可以通过将 settings.itemwagers 设置为 false 来禁用此功能。
剧透:赌注如果 Vault 检测到经济插件,BoardGames 将为玩家提供对游戏下注的选项。这可以通过将 settings.wagers 设置为 false 来禁用。



剧透:数据库如果在配置中启用,BoardGames 将使用 MySQL 数据库跟踪所有游戏中玩家的统计数据。这将启用排行榜和统计命令的使用。还有一些选项可以启用/禁用配置中某些统计数据和游戏的跟踪。
剧透:权限和命令可以通过将 settings.permissions 设置为 false 来禁用权限。
boardgames.interact - 与棋盘交互 - 放置棋盘
boardgames.destroy - 打破棋盘
boardgames.command - 使用棋盘命令
- boardgames.command.board
- boardgames.command.stats
- boardgames.command.leaderboard
- boardgames.command.reload
/bg - 列出所有命令
/bg games - 列出所有可用游戏
/bg board [游戏名称] - 为您提供游戏项目
/bg stats [game name] [player name] - 为玩家提供关于指定游戏
/bg 排行榜 [游戏名称] [order by] - 列出顶级玩家,[order by] 是可选的
/bg reload - 重新加载配置选项,某些更改可能需要完全重启
settings: messages: chat: dberror: '&cError calling to database.' unonotyourturn: It is not your turn. availcommands: |- &f&lBoard&9&lGames &rAvailable commands &r/bg games &7- lists games &r/bg board [game name] &7- gives you the game's item /&rbg stats [game name] [player name] /bg leaderboard [game name] [order by] /bg reload &7- reloads config noplayer: '&cNo player found with that name.' welcomegame: '&aWelcome to %game%!' gamenames: '&r&lGame Names: &r' nodb: '&cDatabase must be enabled to view stats.' nogame: '&cNo game found with that name.' forcejump: You must select a piece that can jump if a jump is possible. unoselectcolor: Select a color. noboardroom: '&cNo room to place board.' unoforce2: You were forced to draw 2 cards. placedboard: '&aPlaced board.' playerwin: '%player% has won the %game% game!' playerlose: '&aYou lost the %game% game!' gameplayerleave: '%player% has left %game%.' unoforcedraw: You have no playable cards and were forced to draw a card. statsheader: '&r&l%game% &r&7%player%&r''s stats' unoinvalidcard: You can not play that card. leaderboardformat: '&7#%num%.&r %player% - %statVal%' gametie: '&aTie %game% game!' statsformat: '&7%statName% - &r%statVal%' playeringame: '&cYou must finish your game before joining another.' unoforce4: You were forced to draw 4 cards. unoskipped: You were skipped. reload: '&aReloaded board games config.' leaderboardheader: '&r&l%game% &rLeaderboard &7(%sort%)&r' gui: wagernomoneycreate: '&cNot enough money to create wager' noavailgame: No available game to join. gameplayerleft: Player left ready screen. Game cancelled. gameacceptchat: Accepting %player% wagerdecrease: '&aDecrease Wager' acceptplayer: '&2LEFT CLICK - ACCEPT' chatwageraccept: You have accepted %player%'s wager! gameownerleft: '&cGame owner has left. Game cancelled.' notreadytext: '&c&lNOT READY' teamredtext: RED wagerback: Back gamedeclinechat: Declining %player% bettingon: '&aBetting on %player%' wagercancel: '&cCancel Wager' fullqueue: Too many players are queuing! unrankedoption: unranked creategame: '&aCreate Game' wagernext: Next readytext: '&a&lREADY' uparrow: '&a/\' wagerlabel: '&2Wager: ' wagercreate: '&aCreate Wager' nextpage: '&aNext Page' gamenomoneyaccept: '&cPlayer no longer has enough money..' wagerincrease: '&aIncrease Wager' wagernomoneyaccept: '&cNot enough money to accept wager' wageraccept: '&aAccept Wager' declineplayer: '&4RIGHT CLICK - DECLINE' downarrow: '&a\/' teamlabel: '&2Team: ' teambluetext: BLUE startgamewith: '&aStart game with %num% players' waitcreator: Waiting for game creator forfeitgame: '&cForfeit Game' gamealreadycreated: Game has already been created. gamenomoneyjoin: '&cYou do not have enough money!' joingame: '&aJoin Game' wagerdecline: '&cDecline Wager' rankedoption: ranked teamblacktext: BLACK leavegame: '&cLeave Game' wagertext: '&aWagers' waitplayers: Waiting for more players teamwhitetext: WHITE gamenomoneycreate: '&cNot enough money to create game.' unreadytext: '&c&lCLICK TO READY' database: database: boardgames enabled: 'false' password: ' ' port: '3306' username: root host: localhost permissions: 'true' recipe: enabled: 'true' wagers: 'true' games: Chess: recipe: ingredients: B: BLACK_DYE Q: QUARTZ L: LEATHER W: WHITE_DYE shape: - BW - QQ - LL sounds: click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE enabled: 'true' winAmount: 0 ConwaysGameOfLife: recipe: ingredients: Q: QUARTZ H: WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL shape: - QQQ - QHQ - QQQ winAmount: 0 Sudoku: recipe: shape: - ' F ' - ' I ' - LLL ingredients: I: INK_SAC L: LEATHER F: FEATHER sounds: click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE enabled: 'true' winAmount: 0 ConnectFour: recipe: ingredients: L: LEATHER P: PAPER R: RED_DYE B: BLUE_DYE shape: - RPB - RPB - LLL sounds: enabled: 'true' click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE winAmount: 0 Minesweeper: recipe: shape: - SSS - STS - LLL ingredients: T: TNT L: LEATHER S: SAND sounds: click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE enabled: 'true' winAmount: 0 TicTacToe: recipe: ingredients: R: RED_DYE P: PAPER B: BLUE_DYE L: LEATHER shape: - PPP - BPR - LLL sounds: click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE enabled: 'true' winAmount: 0 Uno: recipe: ingredients: L: LEATHER P: PAPER B: BLUE_DYE R: RED_DYE G: GREEN_DYE Y: YELLOW_DYE I: INK_SAC shape: - BIR - GPY - LLL sounds: enabled: 'true' click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE winAmount: 0 Checkers: recipe: ingredients: W: WHITE_DYE P: PAPER B: BLACK_DYE L: LEATHER N: QUARTZ shape: - B W - NPN - LLL sounds: click: BLOCK_WOOD_PLACE enabled: 'true' winAmount: 0
剧透:PlaceholderAPIBoardGames 带有 PlaceholderAPI 支持,允许您获取玩​​家的统计数据。示例: