AntiAFKPlus - All-in-One AFK Solution [1.7 - 1.18] 3.11 [提交至百度][查看百度是否已收录此帖]

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2022-10-13 22:44:48
AntiAFKPlus - All-in-One AFK Solution [1.7 - 1.18] 3.11

AntiAFKPlus - 一体式 AFK 解决方案 [1.7 - 1.18] 3.11


Native Minecraft Version: 1.13

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18

您是否厌倦了选项有限的默认 AFK 机制?
我们提供了一个简单轻量级的代码,为 AFK 系统添加了许多新机制:
您将能够选择自定义操作来交互和管理您的 AFK 玩家,
最重要的是您可以选择对您服务器中的 AFK 玩家的惩罚!

[+] 检测到许多 AFK 机器
[+] 检测自动点击和其他宏
[+] 将播放器发送到其他服务器 (BungeeCord)
[+] 您不受任何限制
[+] 非常易于使用的 GUI
[+] 一切都可以在游戏中更改

[+] 开发者 API

命令 - 描述 - 权限
/antiafk - 打开管理 GUI - antiafkplus.admin
/antiafk reload - 重新 加载插件 - ntiafkplus.reload

AntiAFKPlus.bypass - 绕过 AFK 检查
剧透:开发者 API活动

  • AfkStatusChangedEvent
public interface AntiAFKPlusAPI {    /**     * Returns how much checks the Player failed     *     * @param player the Player to check     * @return amount of checks failed     */    int getChecksFailed(Player player);    /**     * Returns the Check Interval configured in the config.yml     *     * @return the check interval in seconds     */    int getCheckInterval();    /**     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the Player failed at least Check     *     * @param player the Player to check     * @return <tt>true</tt> if player failed one AFK check     * */    boolean isAFK(Player player);    /**     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if Player got teleported while AFK     *     * @param player the Player to check     * @return <tt>true</tt> if Player got teleported     */    boolean isTeleported(Player player);    /**     *  Returns a {@link List} view of {@link Player} players.     *  This players failed at least on AFK Check.     *     * @return a list of players who did not pass one AFK check     */    List<Player> getAFKPlayers();    /**     *  Returns a {@link List} view of {@link Player} players.     *  This players failed at least the given Amount of Checks.     *     * @param failedChecks amount of failed Checks     * @return a list of players who did not pass the AFK checks     */    List<Player> getAFKPlayers(int failedChecks);    /**     * Create a new API Instance to work with     *     * @return API Instance     */    static AntiAFKPlusAPI getAPI();}
