Arcade Minigames | New TNTTag and PropHunt 1.53a 街机小游戏 | 新的 TNTTag 和 PropHunt 1.53a 付费获得:
检查旧版本的版本历史记录!最新的是 1.19


» Join Signs and NPC with configurable lines!
» Lightweight
» No dependency
» Translatable
» Setup wizard which makes arena creations much easier
» MultiArena and BungeeMode(AutoJoin) supported
» SQLite/MySQL support
» Leaderboards
» PlaceholderAPI
» 10 Games for now:
■ TNT Tag
■ PropHunt
■ TempleRun
■ MiniWalls
■ Splegg
■ BombLobbers
■ Quake
■ TNT Run
■ BlockParty
■ PartyGames(11 Games atm only)!
- Pig Fishing
- Avalanche
- Trampolino
- Punch The Bats
- Minecart Racing
- Animal Slaughter
- 火山
- 锄头锄头
- 冰冻
的地板 - 地板是熔岩
- 丛林跳跃

在 1GB RAM 测试服务器上制作的视频

Permissions:arcade.admin: Use all the commands for adminarcade.player.commands: If RequiredPermission is enabled /game join and /game quickjoin will require the permissionArcade Games:Command: /arc or /arcadegamesTNTRun:Commands: /trun or /tntrunBlockParty:Commands: /bp or /blockpartyTNTTag:Commands: /tg or /tnttagPropHunt:Commands: /ph or /prophuntTempleRun:Commands: /tr or /templerunPartyGames:Commands: /pg or /partygamesBombLobbers:Commands: /bl or /bomblobbersSplegg:Commands: /spg or /spleggMiniWalls:Commands: /mw or /miniwalls

1. /<game> create <id> <name><min> <max>ID - unique number or name to be able to join the arena easyNAME - The display name(what's seen ingame)MIN - The minimum of players required for the game to be able to beginMAX - The Maximum of players allowed for the game.2. Follow the setup in-game(It will tell you exactly what to do)3. Create a sign[Game Name]<ID>OR Join NPC/<game> addnpc5. Contact me if you still don't know on how to set it6. And that's it, congratulations!
a) %arcade_allplayers% - 显示所有正在玩的玩家的数量
b) %arcade_ongoing% - 显示所有正在进行的竞技场的数量。
c) %arcade_<game>_players% - 显示 <game> 的玩家数量
d) %arcade_<game>_wins% - 向玩家显示 <game> 的获胜次数
e) %arcade_<game>_ <id>_name% - 显示 <game> 的 <id> 名称计数
f) %arcade_<game>_<id>_status% - 显示 <game> 的 <id> 状态
g) %arcade_< game>_<id>_players% - 显示 <game> 的 <id> 玩家
数量 h) %arcade_<game>_<id>_max_players% - 显示 <game> 的<id> 玩家数量


从 server.proprietes 设置 spawn-protection=0