AdvancedChests| Unlimited sizes | Holograms | Upgrades Compressor 23.2 [提交至百度][查看百度是否已收录此帖]

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2022-9-20 13:14:25
AdvancedChests| Unlimited sizes | Holograms | Upgrades | Sells | Sorter |  Compressor 23.2
高级宝箱 | 无限大小 | 全息图 | 升级 | 销售 | 分拣机 | 压缩机 23.2



Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18

Advanced Chests 是使普通 Minecraft 箱子看起来更大所需的插件!








>> 点击这里 <<


  • 创建自定义箱子
    • 无限数量的高级宝箱
    • 无限大小适合您的胸部
    • 更改库存显示名称(彩色名称)
    • 添加自定义制作食谱!
  • 升级
    • 扩大箱子的插槽
    • 进行升级
    • 为每次升级定价
  • 全息图
    • 全息显示支持!
    • CMI 支持!
    • 为您的胸部添加自定义标题!
  • 分拣机
    • 你可以用一个简单的按钮整理你的胸部!

    • 您可以通过一个简单的按钮出售所有的箱子内容!
    • 基本款支持!
    • ShopGUIPlus 支持!
    • zShop 支持!
  • 冶炼厂
    • 你可以用一个简单的按钮来闻你的胸膛内容!
  • 压缩机
    • 您可以压缩矿石和其他材料以将它们变成块
  • 自动销售
    • 为您的箱子安排自动销售
    • 编辑销售频率
    • 切换此选项
    • 设置税
  • 料斗兼容
    • 箱子与香草漏斗兼容
  • 直观的配置
    • 配置说明
    • 包括基本示例
    • 配置详细信息
      • 编辑名称
      • 编辑传说
    • 配置选项
      • 启用/禁用 tnt 保护
      • 启用/禁用爬行保护
    • 配置升级
      • 启用/禁用特定箱子的升级
      • 编辑升级价格

  • mysql支持
    • 本地数据导入Mysql
    • mysql数据导入本地数据
  • 兼容性
    • 保险库
    • 多元宇宙核心
    • 皇家经济
    • 见解
    • 要点
    • ShopGuiPlus
    • zShop
    • CMI
    • 全息显示器
    • 野工具
    • NBTAPI
    • JetMinions
    • JetHoppers
    • 料斗分拣机
    • 可升级的料斗
    • 高级Skyblock2
    • 铱星云块
    • 便当盒
    • 传说中的Skyblock
    • 交互可视化器
    • 一站式商店
    • 经济商店GUI

# ============[ADVANCED CHESTS]============= #options:  timings:    save_interval: 3000 # Time in ticks    # This option establishes the max amount of time that the selling process can occur    # Add more delay to this option if you are experiencing lag when selling large amounts of items from chests at once    sell_time_max_delay: 0 # Time in seconds    # This option establishes the max amount of time that the compressing process can occur    # Add more delay to this option if you are experiencing lag when compressing large amounts of items from chests at once    compress_time_max_delay: 0 # Time in seconds    # This option establishes the max amount of time that the loading chests process can take    # Add more delay to this option if you are experiencing lag when loading a large amount of chests on the server startup    chests_loading_max_delay: 3 # Time in seconds  storage:    # You can choose between YAML or MYSQL    type: "YAML"    # The database should be already created    database: "advancedchests"    address: ""    username: "root"    password: ""    port: 3306  enhancement:    # Enabling this option will allow you to use the NBT-API for the chests    # This option requires NBT-API of course    use_nbtapi: false    # This option establishes the economy that will be used in the shop    # you can choose between MONEY(Requires Vault) or EXPERIENCE(Minecraft experience)    shop_economy: "MONEY"    # This option establishes the economy that will be used in the chest upgrades    # you can choose between MONEY(Requires Vault) or EXPERIENCE(Minecraft experience)    upgrades_economy: "MONEY"    # This option establishes the economy that will be used in the chest sorts    # you can choose between MONEY(Requires Vault) or EXPERIENCE(Minecraft experience)    sorts_economy: "MONEY"    # This option establishes the economy that will be used in the chest smelts    # you can choose between MONEY(Requires Vault) or EXPERIENCE(Minecraft experience)    smelts_economy: "MONEY"    # This option establish the economy that will be used in the sells    # you can choose between (ESSENTIALS, SHOPGUIPLUS, ZSHOP, ROYALE_ECONOMY, CMI, BOSS_SHOP_PRO, ONE_STOP_SHOP, DELUXE_BAZAAR and ECONOMY_SHOP_GUI)    sells_plugin: "ESSENTIALS"    # This option will allow you to specify a specific shop of a sells plugin    # you can use it for plugins like SHOPGUIPLUS, ROYALE_ECONOMY and BOSS_SHOP_PRO    sells_plugin_shop: ""    # Enabling this option will allow the plugin to check for new updates    check_updates: true    # Disable automatic sells when chests have no activity    disable_autosells_when_inactive: false    # This option will allow players to enable their automatic sells chests sessions when they reconnect in the server    # This option will be useful if you have the option disable_autosells_when_inactive enabled    enable_autosells_on_reconnect: false    # Enabling this option will allow the chests to remember the last opened page by a player    # and reopen it    reopen_last_opened_page: false  explosions:    # Enable or disable advanced chest explosions    creeper: false    tnt: false  actions:    # Drop the Advanced chest item    onbreak_dropchest: true    # Enabling this option the players will receive the chest item directly into their inventories when breaking the block    onbreak_dropchest_to_inventory: false    # Enabling this option the players will receive the money collected by the chest when breaking the block    onbreak_claim_chest_money: true    # Show a confirmation before breaking a chest    # Enable this option to reduce the lag caused by the dropped items    onbreak_confirmation: true    # Drop items after breaking a chest    onbreak_dropcontent: true    # Enabling this option the players will have to clear out the chest before breaking it    # Enable this option to reduce the lag caused by the dropped items    onbreak_wait_for_empty_chest: false    # Show a confirmation before upgrading a chest    onupgrade_confirmation: true    # Show a confirmation before selling a chest    onsell_confirmation: true    # Show a confirmation before smelting a chest    onsmelt_confirmation: true    # Show a confirmation before smelting a chest    oncompress_confirmation: true  gui:    # Disabling this option will replace the page selector heads by normal items    pageselector_useheads: true    # Change the color of the glasses in the page selector    # (Material damage based)    pageselector_color: 7    # Change the color of the glasses in the break confirmation gui    # (Material damage based)    break_confirmation_color: 14    # Change the color of the glasses in the upgrade confirmation gui    # (Material damage based)    upgrade_confirmation_color: 4    # Change the color of the sell confirmation gui    # (Material damage based)    sell_confirmation_color: 7    # Change the color of the smelt confirmation gui    # (Material damage based)    smelt_confirmation_color: 7    # Change the color of the compress confirmation gui    # (Material damage based)    compress_confirmation_color: 7    # Change the color of the glasses in the shop gui    # (Material damage based)    shop_color: 4    # Change the color of the automatic sells menu    # (Material damage based)    automatic_sells_color: 7    # Change the color of the sorters menu    # (Material damage based)    sorters_color: 7  sells:    # Disabling this option items with meta will be taken in count in the selling process    ignore_meta: true    # Remove all the worthless items    remove_worthless_items: false  events-priorities:    # You can choose between [LOW,LOWEST,NORMAL,HIGH,HIGHEST]    block_break: "HIGH"    block_place: "HIGHEST"    inventory_move_item: "HIGH"    inventory_click: "NORMAL"    player_interact: "HIGHEST"    entity_explode: "HIGH"  events-call:    # Disable all those events you don't need to be handle for a better performance.    chest_remove_event: true  sounds:    volume: 100    pitch: 1  backups:    enable: truecompressor:  recipes:    # The recipe for a specified material    DIAMOND_BLOCK:      # The required amount of a specified material to get the result      # You can add more than one item to get the same result      DIAMOND: 9    IRON_BLOCK:      IRON_INGOT: 9    COAL_BLOCK:      COAL: 9    EMERALD_BLOCK:      EMERALD: 9    GOLD_BLOCK:      GOLD_INGOT: 9    REDSTONE_BLOCK:      REDSTONE: 9    LAPIS_BLOCK:      LAPIS_LAZULI: 9    BRICKS:      BRICK: 4    GOLD_INGOT:      GOLD_NUGGET: 9    IRON_INGOT:      IRON_NUGGET: 9    NETHERITE_BLOCK:      NETHERITE_INGOT: 9    COPPER_BLOCK:      COPPER_INGOT: 9    MELON:      MELON_SLICE: 9    GLOWSTONE:      GLOWSTONE_DUST: 4    SNOW_BLOCK:      SNOW_BALL: 4    SLIME_BLOCK:      SLIME_BALL: 9    BONE_BLOCK:      BONE_MEAL: 9

chests:  # You can copy/paste these templates to create new chests  example:    inventory:      name: "&6Legendary Chest &8Page - %i%"      # The size must be multiple of 9      size: 270    item:      name: "&6Lengendary Chest"      lore:      - "&7This chest contains a total"      - "&7of &6x%size% &7slots"    hologram:      # This functionality requires at least Holographic Displays      enable: false      title:      - ""      - ""    # Put it as -1 if you don't want to display the chest in the shop    shop-price: 1000    allow-hoppers-use: true    previous-page-slot: 4    next-page-slot: 6    upgrades:      enable: true      next_upgrade: "example2"      price: 1000      slot: 5    sorters:      enable: false      price: 0      slot: 9    sells:      # This functionality requires at least Essentials      enable: false      # Refers to the multiplier of the sells      multiplier: 1      slot: 1    smelter:      enable: false      price: 0      slot: 8    compressor:      enable: false      price: 0      slot: 7    autosells:      # This functionality requires at least Essentials      enable: false      # Refers to the frequency in ticks for the automatic selling      # 1s = 20ticks      frequency: 0      # Refers to the multiplier of the automatic sells      multiplier: 1      # Refers to the percentage that will be discounted from      # the total sell value      tax: 5      slot: 2    deposit:      enable: false    crafting:      enable: true      items:       A:        material: "OAK_PLANKS"        data: 0       B:        material: "IRON_INGOT"        data: 0      recipe:      - "AAA"      - "ABA"      - "AAA"  example2:    inventory:      name: "&4&lExtreme Chest &8Page - %i%"      #The size must be multiple of 9      size: 315    item:      name: "&4&lExtreme Chest"      lore:      - "&7This chest contains a total"      - "&7of &6x%size% &7slots"    hologram:      # This functionality requires at least Holographic Displays      enable: true      title:      - "&8&k..&4&lExtreme Chest&8&k.."      - "&6%slots_used%&7/&6%size% &7slots"    # Put it as -1 if you don't want to display the chest in the shop    shop-price: -1    allow-hoppers-use: true    previous-page-slot: 4    next-page-slot: 6    upgrades:      enable: false      next_upgrade: ""      price: 0      slot: 5    sorters:      enable: true      price: 0      slot: 9    sells:      # This functionality requires at least Essentials      enable: true      # Refers to the multiplier of the sells      multiplier: 2      slot: 1    smelter:      enable: true      price: 1000      slot: 8    compressor:      enable: true      price: 1000      slot: 7    autosells:      # This functionality requires at least Essentials      enable: true      # Refers to the frequency in ticks for the automatic selling      # 1s = 20ticks      frequency: 2400      # Refers to the multiplier of the automatic sells      multiplier: 2      # Refers to the percentage that will be discounted from      # the total sell value      tax: 0      slot: 2    deposit:      enable: true    crafting:      enable: false      items:       A:        material: "OAK_PLANKS"        data: 0       B:        material: "GOLD_INGOT"        data: 0      recipe:      - "AAA"      - "ABA"      - "AAA"

languages:  prefix: '&8[&e&lAdvanced&6&lChests&8]'  upgrades:    success: '&aThe chest was correctly upgraded&6!'    fail: '&cYou do not have enough money to buy this upgrade&6!'  sorts:    fail: "&cYou do not have enough money to do this!"    anything-to-sort: "&cThere is anything to sort in this chest!"    already-sorted: "&cThis chest is already sorted!"  smeltings:    not-enough-money: "&cYou do not have enough money to smelt this chest"    success: "&aYou have smelted this chest correctly!"    fail: "&cThis chest does not contain anything to smelt!"  compressions:    not-enough-money: "&cYou do not have enough money to compress this chest"    not-enough-space-to-compress: "&cThere is not enough space to compress this chest!"    anything-to-compress: "&cThere is anything to compress in this chest!"    success: "&aYou have compressed this chest correctly!"    process: "&cThe chest will be compressed in &6%time% &cseconds&6!"    openchest-oncompression-fail: "&cThis chest is currently being compressed, please wait...&6!"  sells:    success: '&aYou have received &e%value%$&a!'    fail: '&cThis chest contains nothing for selling&6!'    process: "&cThe chest will be sold in &6%time% &cseconds&6!"    openchest-onsell-fail: "&cThis chest is currently being sold, please wait...&6!"  autosells:    claim-money-success: "&aMoney claimed successfully!"    claim-money-fail: "&cThis chest does not have enough money to claim!"    toggle-fail: "&cYou do not have permissions to toggle this option&6!"  permissions:    openchest-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to open this chest&6!'    placechest-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to place this chest&6!'    breakchest-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to break this chest&6!'    upgrade-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to do this upgrade&6!'    sort-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to sort this chest&6!'    sell-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to sell out of this chest&6!'    smelt-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to smelt this chest&6!'    compressor-fail: '&cYou do not have the proper permissions to compress this chest&6!'    deposit-fail: '&cYou don not have permissions to deposit items inside this chest!'  actions:    on-break-wait-for-empty-chest-fail: "&cThe chest needs to be empty to break it&6!"  shop:    inventoryname: "&c&e&lAdvanced&6&lChests"    lore-format:      - ''      - '&7&o((Left click for &aUnit&7&o))'      - '&7&o((Right click for &bStack&7&o))'    price-format: "&6Price&8: &f%price%&6$"    previous:      name: "&6&lPrevious"      head: "MHF_ArrowLeft"      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"      lore:      - ""    next:      name: "&6&lNext"      head: "MHF_ArrowRight"      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"      lore:      - ""    success: "&aYou have bought correctly&6!"    fail: "&cYou do not have enough money to buy this chest&6!"    without-inv-space: "&cYou do not have enough space in your inventory&6!"    without-perms-to-open: "&cYou do not have permissions&6!"  gui:    previouspage:      name: '&6&lPrevious page'      head: "MHF_ArrowLeft"      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"      lore:      - ""    nextpage:      name: '&6&lNext page'      head: "MHF_ArrowRight"      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"      lore:      - ""    upgradeicon:      material: "CHEST"      head: ""      name: '&e&lUpgrade your slots&6&l!'      lore:      - '&7This upgrade contains a total'      - '&7of &6x%size% &7slots'      - '&aPrice&e: &6%price%&e$'    sorters:      inventory-name: "&8Sort the chest!"      price-format: "&ePrice&6: &e%price%&6$"      sorticon:        material: "HOPPER"        head: ""        name: '&f&lSort the chest'        lore:        - '&7Left click &7here to sort this chest'        - "&7Right click &7here to see more sorting options"      types:        byall:          material: "PLAYER_HEAD"          head: "1e5924798a487f99ba08e54a5b130692cc586902a87e1dee213813ef8c66"          name: "&e&lSort by all!"          lore:          - "&7This sort type includes all in one"          - "&7and its the one that comes by default"        bymaterial:          material: "PLAYER_HEAD"          head: "e6799bfaa3a2c63ad85dd378e66d57d9a97a3f86d0d9f683c498632f4f5c"          name: "&e&lSort by material!"          lore:          - "&7This sort type will take in count just items materials"        byamount:          material: "PLAYER_HEAD"          head: "c3687e25c632bce8aa61e0d64c24e694c3eea629ea944f4cf30dcfb4fbce071"          name: "&e&lSort by amount!"          lore:          - "&7This sort type will take in count just items amounts"        bydamage:          material: "PLAYER_HEAD"          head: "c3d14561bbd063f70424a8afcc37bfe9c74562ea36f7bfa3f23206830c64faf1"          name: "&e&lSort by damage!"          lore:          - "&7This sort type will take in count just items durabilities"      back:        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "MHF_ArrowLeft"        name: "&6&lBack"        lore:        - ""    sells:      sellicon:        name: '&c&lSell All'        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "MrSnowDK"        lore:        - '&7Click here to sell all the content'        - ''        - '&f&lMultiplier&7: &e%multiplier%&6x'    smeltericon:      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"      head: "MCadir1"      name: '&4&lSmelt items!'      price-format: "&ePrice&6: &e%price%&6$"      lore:      - '&7Click here to smelt all the chest content!'    compressoricon:      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"      head: "9a1057aeb571b23c907284f907f51a1f18530d731a8adac02c791aa205b56c1e"      name: '&f&lCompress items!'      price-format: "&ePrice&6: &e%price%&6$"      lore:      - '&7Click here to compress all the chest content!'    break-confirmation:      inventoryname: '&c&lRemove the Chest...'      confirmicon:        material: "BARRIER"        head: ""        name: '&cBreak this chest!'        lore:        - '&7Click to break this chest!'    upgrade-confirmation:      inventoryname: '&8Confirm your upgrade!'      confirmicon:        material: "CHEST"        head: ""        name: '&e&lUpgrade!'        lore:        - '&7Click here to confirm your upgrade!'    sell-confirmation:      inventoryname: '&8Confirm your sell!'      confirmicon:        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "MrSnowDK"        name: '&c&lSell the content!'        lore:        - '&7Click here to confirm your sell intention!'    smelt-confirmation:      inventoryname: '&8Confirm your smelt!'      confirmicon:        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "MCadir1"        name: '&6&lSmelt the content!'        lore:          - '&7Click here to confirm your smelt intention!'    compress-confirmation:      inventoryname: '&8Confirm your compression!'      confirmicon:        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "9a1057aeb571b23c907284f907f51a1f18530d731a8adac02c791aa205b56c1e"        name: '&f&lCompress the content!'        lore:          - '&7Click here to confirm your compress intention!'    autosells:      inventory-name: "&8AutoSells"      icon:        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "945f47feb4d75cb333914bfdb999a489c9d0e320d548f310419ad738d1e24b9"        name: "&6&lAutomatic Sells"        lore:        - "&7Click here to see all related"        - "&7about automatic sells!"        - ""        - "&f&lFrequency&7: &e%frequency%&6s"        - '&f&lMultiplier&7: &e%multiplier%&6x'        - "&f&lTax&7: &e%tax%&6%"      moneyicon:        material: "CHEST"        head: ""        name: "&e&lClaim the money!"        lore:        - "&6Money: &a%money%&f$"      toggleicon:        on-status:          material: "PLAYER_HEAD"          head: "131a4fab2f87db54330136517b453aacb9d7c0fe784300709e9b109cbc514f00"          name: "&6&lToggle AutoSells"          lore:          - "&7Status: &a&lON"        off-status:          material: "PLAYER_HEAD"          head: "a5d53ef428b369fd5cce94ce205d0d2d7b095fad676a9b383971ee1049e367ad"          name: "&6&lToggle AutoSells"          lore:          - "&7Status: &c&lOFF"      back:        material: "PLAYER_HEAD"        head: "MHF_ArrowLeft"        name: "&6&lBack"        lore:        - ""

advancedchests.admin - access to admin actionsadvancedchests.user - acess to all the permissions below this oneadvancedchests.upgrade.<chest_name> - access to upgrade a certain type of chestadvancedchests.upgrade.* - acess to upgrade all the type of<chest_name> - access to open a certain type of* - acess to open all the type of chestsadvancedchests.sort.<chest_name> - access to sort a certain type of chestadvancedchests.sort.* - acess to sort all the type of chestsadvancedchests.sell.<chest_name> - access to sell a certain type of chestadvancedchests.sell.* - acess to sell all the type of chestsadvancedchests.smelt.<chest_name> - access to smelt a certain type of chestadvancedchests.smelt.* - acess to smelt all the type of chestsadvancedchests.compress.<chest_name> - access to compress a certain type of chestadvancedchests.compress.* - acess to compress all the type of chestsadvancedchests.deposit.<chest_name> - acess to deposit all your inventory content into a certain type of chest clicking outside the inventoryadvancedchests.deposit.* - acess to deposit all your inventory content into all type of chests clicking outside the<chest_name> - access to place a certain type of* - acess to place all the type of chestsadvancedchests.break.<chest_name> - access to break a certain type of chestadvancedchests.break.* - acess to break all the type of - access to open the shopadvancedchests.autosells.toggle - acess to toggle the automatic sells

/advancedchests help - (See all the commands)/advancedchests reload - (Reload the plugin)/advancedchests give <player> <chest_name> <amount> - (Give a chest to a player)/advancedchests list - (See the list of active chests)/advancedchests info - (See all the information related to chests)/advancedchests open <x> <y> <z> - (Open a chest at a specific location)/advancedchests purge <world_name> - (Delete all the chests in a specific world)/advancedchests storage import <storage_type> - (Import the data from a different storage to the current one)/chests (Open the chests shop)


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